My 2 Quizzes
Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2004, 10:35 a.m.

Here are 2 quizzes I made, quite some time ago, on Quizilla. The funny thing is, I did not get the results I wanted on 'What's your style??'. I fully expected to get the loner...see what I get for being honest! I'm joking, I like my results, it's just funny that on my own quiz I didn't get the result I thought I would.


classy drinker
Well, arn't we the classiest little alcoholic that
ever came along!! Please take 2 seconds to
rate my quiz.

Alcoholics - what type are YOU??
brought to you by Quizilla

Rock On!!
You fox!!! You're the type of person that won't
let anything get you down. And it's a good way
to be, just...don't let your ego hit you in the
ass on the way out the door. Please rate my

What's Your Style??
brought to you by Quizilla

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