Why all the long entries lately!?
Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2004, 9:07 a.m.

An excellent weekend. Genuinely, a wonderful weekend. Sunday we had plans on going to the Seafood Festival...and apparantly not only everyone in RI decided this, too...everyone in CT, Mass, and every other surrounding state decided that was the thing to do, too. Traffic was backed up an obscene amount...so we didn't go. Which blows, I love the Seafood festival, and we had talked about maybe going Sat. night, which we should have. I had my nephew with me, too, so we just went to Chuck E. Cheese, aka Rip Me Off Please, and had a great time. Monday I woke up feeling like shit, but I felt better around 3, 4 o'clock (no work, VJ day). We dropped Baby off w/ Elaine for her youngest's birthday party, Baby spent the night and C will pick her up on the way home. We rented 50 fist dates (which I highly recommend!!), made BBQ chicken wings, and ate candy.

The movie ended around 7:30, and my parents had just got back from Vacation so we went over there, stayed WAY too late, and had a kick ass time. It's funny, I'd rather hang out w/ my Dad and step-mother than any of my friends. I told my step-mother all about the Jen situation, and she told me so much that made so much sense. Too much to write, basically that while it's hard to break ties, I did the right thing. For someone to invade my private space, then berate me for it and start calling me everything but a white boy is wrong...I don't need that, I'm better than that.

And the funny thing? My step-mom said she always got a bad vibe from her, that my father never liked her either. And I told her that C hates her, has since day 1, merely tolerated her...C has no tolerance for people 'like her'.

As my Dad says, Winners hang with Winners, Losers hang with Losers. Elaine, LeeAnn and I all talked on 3 way for a long time, just about where we're going, how I feel they criticize me...it was a good coversation, and things are looking up! I'm in such a great mood.

And now, to complete this very long, very boring entry, here is a long questionnaire I got from lost-in-lust, who I seem to be stealing a lot of things from lately!


am: Nikki, mother, wife

want: success,happiness, and to find a house!

need: to calm down

crave: swiss chocolates..mmmmmm

love: C and Baby

hate: I don't have enough energy to hate...oh, alright, rapists, murderers, the like

did: lots of terrible things that I am slowly starting to overcome

feel: GREAT!!!

miss: my flat stomach

am annoyed by: girls, liars, people who pretend to be someone they're not

would rather: be rich

am tired of: working

will always: Be me


suicide: against

love: for

drunk drivers: very against

war: I'm certainly not FOR war, but sometimes war is our only option...I think that the war right now is frivolous, we have caught Saddam...where's Osama, anyway? Why doesn't any one care about Sept. 11 any more? Above all, I believe we should put our faith and trust into the man (or women) WE, the people of the United States, put into office...VOTE!!!!!!! It is so important to Vote.

canada: For, they're way cooler than us

united states: I fucking LOVE my country

rock music: for, all for

gay marriage: for, why should it bother any one that two people of the same sex want to share their life together? Sure as hell isn't bothering any one, at all.

school: all for

surveys: I like surveys a bit too much

parents: For, what a silly question

cars: For, of course

killing: against

britney spears: For, she makes stupid decisions, but she's not me.

pants: for

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

1. given anyone a bath?: Yes, I'm a mother

2. smoked?: Yes

3. bungee jumped?: No, but I have been para-sailing

4. made yourself throw up?: Yes, I have

5. skinny dipped?: Of course

6: ever been in love?: Yes, I am so inlove right now

7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Sure, I'm a girl ;)

8. pictured your crush naked? I don't have a crush...maybe back in the day

9. actually seen your crush naked?: Most likely

10. cried when someone died?:Yes

11. lied: yes

12. fallen for your best friend?: Yup

13. been rejected?: Unfortunately

14. rejected someone?: Yes

15. used someone?: yes

16. done something you regret?: Good lord, yes...lots of things.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a

kill?: I'll decline to comment

slap: Jen. Really fucking hard.

get really wasted with: C. Maybe LeeAnn & Elaine

get high with: I smoke pot maybe once a month, sometimes with C, usually with my father, who is a highly successful business owner, so I feel it's okay to smoke recreationally. Most certainly not every day, but a hit or two once in a while is okay.

sex it up with: C!!!!

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