Tuesday, Aug. 03, 2004, 9:49 a.m.

I got this from, who got it from (sorry, no credit card sp I can't link!)

1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection?

Good question. Probably my obsession with the Jackson 5.

What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?

Oooh, that depends. Usually a peanut butter sandwich...or pumpernickel toast.

What is your secret guaranteed crying movie?

Moulin Rouge. Or City of Angels. They get me every time.

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?

LOL. No comment.

Do you have a completely irrational fear?

Drowning, or burning to death.

What�s the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?

I bite on the insides of my cheeks. (gross, isn't it?)

Are you a pyromanicac?

A wee bit, yes.

Do you have too many love interests?

I love C and Baby, to the point where there is nothing else.

Do you know anyone famous?

I know Jay f/ Jay & Silent Bob. I have met an insane member of Athletes - a number of the N.E. Patriots, 6 members of the Vikings, and a baseball player from a team I can't remember.

Describe your bed.

Full size, brand new...but we broke it, now it slants slightly.

Spontaneous or plan?

I wish I was more spontaneous.

Who should play you in a movie about your life?

Salma Hayek. Just because.

Do you know how to play poker?

Not really....5 and 7 card draw, does that count?

What do you carry with you at all times?

My little make-up bag that I have been using as a purse.

What do you miss most about being little?

Imagination, care-free attitude.

Are you happy with your given name?

Not particularly.

How much money would it take for you to give up the Internet for a year?

I'd do it for 3 million.

What color is your bedroom?

Wood paneled, blue carpet.

What was the last song you were listening to?

Hmmm...I can't even remember.

Have you ever been in a play?

Once for Shakespeare in the Park when I was younger, and then again in 6th grade.

Have you ever been in love?

I am so in love it makes me sick.

Do you talk a lot?

If I have been drinking a lot.

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

Depends on the day, really.

Do transient, homeless or starving people sometimes annoy you?

No. They make me extremely sad.

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?


Do you spend more time with your husband, or your friends? My husband.

What�s your ideal wedding location?


Which musical instrument do you play?

Guitar. I'm not that good, really...but I can play 6 songs and I know all the chords...I sound like I know what I'm doing, but I really don't.

Favorite fabric?

Cotton, I think.

What kind of bedding do you use?

Cotton sheets, a big fluffy comforter, mismatched pillows.

Do you tell your friends about your sex life?

On occasion.

What�s the one language you want to learn?


How do you eat an apple?

I don't like apples. For some reason Baby has been eating them with a spoon lately, though.

What do you order at a bar?

Pinot Grigio.

Have you ever pierced a body part?

Belly button and my labret twice. I also pierced my own eyebrow with a sewing needle for 2 hours once.

Do you have tattoos?

On the back of my neck. I hate it. I want to cover it with a vine badly.

Would you admit to plastic surgery of any kind of confronted?

Not on your life.

What�s one of the funniest things you�ve ever done?

Oh, my. I can't remember.

Do you drive a stick?

Why, yes. Quit well, thank you.

What�s the one trait you hate in a person?

Liars. People who are still stuck in the high school stereotype mode.

What kind of watch do you wear?

I lost an extremely nice, expensive watch. I don't want to talk about it.

Most frivolous purchase?

Lots of things. Too many to list.

What do you cook the best?

Pork chops w/ Sazon and Adobo.

Favorite writing instrument?


Do you prefer to stand out, or blend in?

Blend in.

Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?

? Probably not.

What�s one car you will never buy?

A volkswagon beetle. I have complete confidence in saying this.

What kinds of books do you like to read?

All books. I love reading.

If you won the lottery, what would you do?

Pay off all my debt. Work on building my credit. Give my brother & sister 100,000 for a down payment of a house. Buy my father & stepmother a customized boat- whatever he wants. Buy my mother a new car. Pay her boyfriend back all the money he has given her. Set up college and trust funds for Baby, my nephew, and 2 nieces.

Oh, yeah...and buy C & I a nice house, nothing to big...nice trucks, and open a restaurant.

Burial, or cremation?


How many online journals do you read regularly?

Any that I have marksed as favorites.

Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends?

Not at all.

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