25 Questions
Friday, Jul. 23, 2004, 10:10 a.m.

What is your....

1.Favorite color?

Red. Blood freakin' red.

2.Favorite metal? (gold, silver, copper, etc...)


3.Favorite movie(s)?

Moulin Rouge, Black Hawk Down, Wild Things, Bowling for Columbine.

4.Favorite Book(s)?

Through the Looking Glass, The Brethren, Gone With the Wind, A Great And Terrible Beauty...too many to name.

5.Favorite author(s)?

John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clark, Kurt Vonnegat, Roald Dahl...too many to name.

6.Favorite foods?

Calamari. Manicotti. If it's Italian, I like it.

7.Favorite season/time of year?


8.Favorite kind of car?

How about my favourite SUV? Cause then I really like the Escalade pick-up trucks/SUV. If you really need to know a car, I'll say...an old Nova. Like a '76. Maybe older.

9.Favorite flower?


10.Favorite day of the week? Why?

Sunday. Sunday is my only day off.

11.Are you a morning person?

Sometimes. Depends on the previous night's activities.

12.What is one thing that makes you happy?

Chloe running in yelling, "Mom and Dad!" every morning. Or how she will just come up to me with a hug and a kiss, and tell me she loves me. I love that.

13.What is one thing that irritates you?

Ignorance and stupidity.

14.Describe a hobby and what inspires you to do it?

I have lost any and all inspiration I ever had. I don't paint anymore. And that's all I have to say on the subject.

15.What is one personality trait that really impresses you in others?

Sincereness. Is that a word? Ah, well. I know what I mean.

16.What is one personality trait that really irritates you in others?


17.What color is your bathroom?

Hmmm....whit with bluish swirly things on the wall. A really nice embroiderd flower shower cutain. Mostly white & blue.

18.How many keys do you carry?

3 - car, home, store.

19.Where would you like to retire?

Anywhere C is.

20.Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite?

Too much. Bacardi and Diet Coke w/ lime. No carbs!!!

21.What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

water. Seriously.

22.How did you celebrate your last birthday?

C and I went to the Post Office Cafe. I got really drunk on KICK ASS pinot grigio - Santa Margherita. We had a kick ass time but then I went and scewed it up when we got home because I felt in necessary to go to the bar - without C, eith 2 of my girlfriends. But I only stayed for an hour, and C went out without me on his birthday, so I really hope we're even.

23.Do you carry a donor card?

I'm supposed to have that little heart on my license that says they can have my organs when I die. But since the ASSHOLES at the DMV didn't put it on there, now nobody is getting a god-damn thing.

24.Do you volunteer or donate to anything?

Unfortunately, no. I tried to give blood once and because I had my face pierced at the time they refused me. If everyone is going to be so picky and generally forget about things, they obviously don't need my help.

25.What's the worst pick up line you've ever heard?

Recently some creep from egypt online asked me if I 'work the sex' with C.

Maybe it's not a pick-up lline, but I find it incredibly amusing, rude, and stupid.

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