I hate everyone.
Friday, Jul. 16, 2004, 8:00 a.m.

I am sure this entry will be very long, so unless you want to hear me bitch, I'd advise you not to read it.

Well, I have just had the most annoying night & morning that I've had in a long time. Last night, I called a friend, S. Well, S was with another friend of mine, CL. CL and I are at odds right now because, basically, she is a loser and a bad mother, as well as a bad friend. For some reason, S put CL on the phone. Now, why the heck would S do something like this? CL had NOTHING nice to say about S 6 months ago...now they hang out? Whatever.....

So anyways, when I asked S why she would put her on the phone, her response was, 'that's just me' Gee, that's funny. STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY BUSINESS.

So I told her not to bother calling me anymore. There is more to this story but I just don't feel like typing it all out. Basically, I don't want her around me. I don't need people that jump into my business, don't take care of their kids, and do drugs.

I'm too old for that shit, you know? And it sucks, it really does. It hurts. Theese people are supposed to be my friends, and they just aren't. Which shouldn't bother me. I should just say, Good Riddance, and that will be that. But I can't. It really sucks. But whatever. My life will be better without losers surrounding me. I left highschool a long time ago...and I want to keep it that way.

So, then I go to talk to C, because I am upset. But does he care? No. Why should he? He's just supposed to be my best friend, no biggie. So I slept on the couch. Screw everyone. C has to go to his drunk driving class, and for some reason refuses to drop Baby off with his parents so I don't have to shut my store down early. (car broken, relying on him for a ride home) Why, I don't know because if he would just drop her off there, I can have my dad pick her up and then give me a ride home from work. But oh, no. I have to shut down the store an hour early today. So I ask him, are you going to go into work an hour late on Sat and give me a ride? OF COURSE NOT. As long as HE is all set, then fuck me.

That is just bullshit. I am so fucking mad at him right now. I almost hate him at this point. Everything right now is too overwhelming. My stupid car will not work, I am struggling to find a ride everyday, and C just can't even help me out. Like I said, as long as HE is all set, who give a fuck about me?

That's just it -- who gives a fuck about me? No one. And I hate them all.******I just talked to C on the phone. We talked about it. He was just tiered last night and didn't realize I was actually that upset. I don't need friends. I have C, and Baby, and I went to www.penpalworld.com, and I will get a penpal.

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