I'm saying what I want from now on.
Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004, 10:20 a.m.

your fuck.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I have chosen NOT to lock my diary, and am writing whatever I want from now on.

Someone outside's car alarm is going off. And it's not a shreiking noise, that would be better than this. This is a continuous hoooooonnnnnnkkkkkk. (See, it's even annoying written out like that) It just stopped. Thankfully.

If anyone cares, I am saving money like you wouldn't believe. I saved 60.00 2 weeks ago, 100.00 last week, and will save another 100.00 this week. TAKE THAT C! He said, when we go to North Conway over Thanksgiving, I better not bitch when I have no money. Gee, at the rate I'm going, I'll have 1500 saved by then - and that's going low. So, as soon as we close on a home, not only will I have tons of new crap from the outlets, I will also have a computer - that I paid for MYSELF. How do you like that C.

Morning sex today. Mmmmmmmm.

Surprisingly, no one has pissed me off in the last few days. Except my stupid car that needs a bunch of new stuff (AGAIN). I thought about financing a car, but w/ the insurance and car payments, I won't be able to save any money. As soon as this problem is fixed, I'm selling the scirrocco, which I will regret till the day I die -- where am I going to find another one? -- and buying a granny car. A freaking buick century woooo boy.

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