Beachin' it
Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005, 9:25 p.m.

Just in from the beach. We had fun. I took Baby and her friend down there. The ocen makes me so nervous! It's got such a powerful undertow sometimes and I was totally the crazy mom who didn't let the kids in past their calves, even though I was standing right there.

Dinner afterwards was nice...we went on 2 of the rides and then I got the kids ice cream.

Highly enjoyable, really. I actually prefer children to adults most of the time. No drama beyond the usual whiny kid crap, or 'she stole my toy!'.

Think about this: you know how a child will throw itself on the ground and SCREAM when one doesn't get ones way? Or yell out from yhe bathroom, 'can you help me wipe my butt!?'

IMAGINE if I did stuff like that. Hehehe.

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