Row Row Row Your Boat
Saturday, Mar. 26, 2005, 10:30 p.m.

...Life is but a dream.

The eggs are hidden, the baskets have been prepared, the ham and biscuits have been bought. Easter is by far my favourite holiday. I like it better than Halloween.

I also like my times. C is seeing someone else. We met this morning at Benny's while Baby was at ballet/tap to buy the candy and sand pail(I use these instead of baskets).

I tried to be jovial and happy for him, after all, I'm the one who ended this relationship.

I can't do it. I am insanely jealous. I told him I hated him, that I hope him and his new lover crash the car and burn to death. I immediately called him back and apologized, but it doesn't help this need I have to track this stupid girl down and physically assault her. Whore-bag slut whom C fells an attraction to - he has slept with her.

But I slept with...I can't remember what name I used in place of his real name. The guy I have a crush on, click back 2 or 3 entries. Slept with him like a high school whore in every which way possible to fuck, walking away from it all bruised all over and covered in hickeys.

Ahh, love. What the fuck. I wanted this, didn't I?

I don't believe in God, so SOMEONE help me, I am going fucking nuts.

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