Missing D-land
Saturday, Nov. 06, 2004, 9:30 p.m.

At the library. I showed Baby how to use the paint program so she is blessedly being quiet.

I love the feeling of waking up in the morning with a cold, brisk air wrapping itself around you. I love to be snuggled warm into my blankets with C...I love the holidays the fall brings.

I am working for my parents, which is pretty cool. I'm on a normal schedule, 40 hours a week and still making the same amount...things are so relaxing and nice lately. Just cut out the bullshit and life seems to go well.

I feel really good, very accomplished. We're moving on Nov. 1st, into a 3 bedroom apartment with a loft and skylights and hardwood floors...oh my!

I should have a computer of my own by January.

Now I'm off to the market and my parents. Next week C isn't working on Saturday, so he can come with me and I'll have more time to update...it's funny how much I love to update and hear how everyone is doing...I miss d-land.

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