Laid off
Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, 5:00 p.m.

I got laid off today. I was expectin it, so while it's not a shock, it is sad. My boss felt terrible. It sucks.

I'm working for my dad starting Monday. Next week will start Tues - Fri, Saturdays I'll work for my boss at the store. So I guess I didn't really get laid off, I am working full time still.

I just hate working for my father. Yes, I will be making money and working hard, but it still feels like Daddy is handing me know?

I'm grateful, really, I am. Meanwhile, I have the next three days off and am on a strict budget. I am dropping Baby off at the school tomorrow and going shopping, I need new clothes and shopping really does make me feel better.

Typical girl.

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