So many entries!
Friday, Sept. 03, 2004, 9:35 a.m.

Well. 3 entries yesterday, 3 more today. I sure have been busy. I added a cast page, a trading card page, and a survey page. The cast page is linked no problem but the other two are really starting to piss me off.

There is no reason for them not to be working right now.

I'll try again in a minute. Anyways, I think maybe C and I are almost back to normal. It's a long weekend this weeked, so I'm hoping Monday we go have a cookout down at Burlingame. That'd be great. I'm taking my sister to Sears on Sunday so maybe I'll just have my nephew sleep over...yes, I will have my nephew sleep over...and we'll have a cook-out.

It'll be great.

Okay, now I really just want to go try and finish these ANNOYING ASS links.

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