This is what I need to do
Thursday, Sept. 02, 2004, 9:50 a.m.

2nd entry today.

I'm all done going out. I don't like being out till 4 am. That's not a good time to me. LeeAnn is kind of immature still, just kid shit like refusing to turn down the music...why does it have to be so loud? We pulled into a clamcake place before we hit the beach and she's got Head PE blaring with all the windows rolled down...people are trying to eat, for christ's sake. I'm a mother, soon to be a wife. Screw everyone who can't realize this. I don't want to live that life any more. It's tiring, I want to better myself and be a success.

I'm changing, I am an adult and I just want to settle down.

I'm sorry if my friends can't realize this. Not that I've even said anything, or they have. I just don't want to go down that road again. Been there, done that...I have priorities that I need to concentrate on. Next time they ask me to go out, I'm just going to tell them, 'Look, I love you, and I love hanging out with you, but our interests are different now. I don't like going out at all hours of the night, I'd love to hang out, but I do need to work in the morning.'

That's it. That's all there is to it. Right now I need to focus on my relationship.

C is everything to me.

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