2nd entry of the day
Saturday, Aug. 14, 2004, 12:15 p.m.

12:15. 3 hours and 45 minutes left. I need to find something incredibly time consuming to do. Like...take lunch, and vaccuum. Yeah. That takes a good 45 minutes. I'm getting to the point where I hate this job, really.

I heard on the radio this morning that President Bush is more hated around the world per capita than Adolph Hitler. It made me smile. Although, to be fair, communications now far surpass WW2 communication. Not to mention China hates Bush, and had no interest w/ WW2, Germany hates Bush (self-explanatory), and South Africa hates Bush, too; also having had no interest in WW2. So, while (in my opinion) this is NOT a fair comparison, it did make me smile. Not to mention you cannot believe everything you hear on the radio.

I love this lay-out. Much more than the other.

I think I'm going to submit myself to Fuck You Reviews. Those are the kind of reviews I like, brutally cruel. Why not, right, just for kicks.

I'm slowly starting to get excited about being trailer trash. If we can own it in 5 years, we can sell, or rent that out and take out a mortgage. Which will be bigger this time around because I can work on re-building my credit...and we'll be able to actually buy a house that's not a crap hole.

When you look back, 5 years is a drop in the bucket.


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