Another long one - HEY 'JEN' WHY DON'T YOU READ THIS ONE, TOO?
Saturday, Aug. 07, 2004, 11:05 a.m.

Pea Soup! Go You!

The Soup Quiz
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Mmmm, I love pea soup so much. (Gross, isn't it? I know so many people who hate it)

Well. I unloaded on a 'friend' of mine this morning, and you know what? I feel good about it. She read my diary. Does everybody understand that I have a disclaimer on my profile for that sole purpose? Yes? Easy enough to understand.

Well, this 'friend' decided that she was going to tell me I'm mean, and I shouldn't knock people for being where I've been...ummmm!? Exuse me...this is my personal space. And I was actually not knocking anyone...perhaps you should step out of your ego for one moment, and realize that this is MY diary, MY space, and MY thoughts...not yours. I've never knocked anyone for having somthing I don't, or for trying to better themselves...and you're damn right I'll say something to someone doing drugs and partying rather than staying home with their kid...because I HAVE been there, luckily pulled myself out, and it's WRONG. This is my space and I write about how I feel. Don't like it? Hit the little X in the right hand corner. Yesterday's entry was about being met with jealous responses because I found a nice car for cheap...sorry...oh, wait, I'm not.

So....1 down, 2 to go.

Last night was nice. I feel asleep early, around 8, not a drink in my system...I just didn't want one. Around 10, C woke me up and we went and laid in bed. I told him I'm going to start seeing a therapsit twice a month. He asked why, and I told him because there are a lot of things I need to work out. Like, the drinking...and all these changes within myself, the negative way I feel towards I fly off the handle at everything.

He asked if it was something maybe he could help me get through? And I hugged him and kissed him and told him he was the sweetest man ever, but no. I need someone who doesn't know me, and won't have a biased opinion. So he told me if I need any money to pay for it to let him know...but my insurance covers it, so I told him don't worry about it until we're married, because then I'll be on his insurance and I'm sure I'll have a co-pay then.

Baby has a cavity :( I feel so inadequate, but as C says, all kids get's a small one on her back molar, but still! I brush her teeth every day, twice a day. I told Elaine and she just laughed...she said her oldest kid just went and she's got a cavity, too, so don't sweat it. I shouldn't, Elaine (besides the partying) is actually a very good mother, and her BIG thing is teeth. So if her kid has a cavity, I guess any one's can. I just feel...I don't know. I've had 2 cavities my whole life...and Baby already has 1.

Oh, well. She's so funny, comes out with the silliest things to say. She's at my mother's today while I work...then it's grocery shopping and home, I hope C will want to rent a DVD and cuddle with me.

Tomorrow is the Seafood Festival. KICK ASS!!!!! I feel good today.

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