Apologies & Alcohol
Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2004, 9:18 a.m.

Guess who was apologized to?

ME. right here. that's right. And I still find it an asinine thing to do, marrying someone you a) don't live with, and never have b) are with cause you're on the rebound and c) are very obviously doing this to get back at their ex.

But hey, that's okay. Not my mistake. So here I sit another day on the internet with my ass getting fatter as i type type type away. Do you know that i smoked pot the other night? How funny. I won't again. Not for a while anyways. It's funny how much I used to smoke. I don't even like it anymore. It's to cloudy.

This coming from an alcoholic. Oh well. At least I have a good job and I go everyday, 6 days a week. I thought about cutting down. I bought a yoga video. But I just like to forget. I like to be numb and not think about the horrible person I am.

Well, until next time.

So apparantly this mel gibson jesus flick is making some waves. I guess a women died, and people are walking out crying. i ca not WAIT to see this movie. sounds like my kind of thing. i am so flipping glad that somone finally made a movie about the last hours of jesus with no sensitivity what so ever. rings sweet in my ears.

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