Weekend Plans
Friday, Feb. 27, 2004, 9:41 a.m.

So I got a call from Baby's school yesterday at about 8:30, she had a fever of 102. Poor thing. So I stopped at Stop & Shop and got some Motrin and a Teddy Bear, picked her up and took her home. Kids are so resillient! As soon as that medicine kicked in and the fever broke she was running around like the little maniac she really is.:) So today she's with my mom, and here I sit at work...another blissful day on the goddamn internet. C's mom is taking the baby overnight tomorrow, so I think we're gonna do the very original dinner and a movie. If I get my way I want to go to the Olive Garden and then check out Havanah Nights. So, hopefully, and probably, that's what we'll do. Yaaay!!! Then I gotta change my oil on Sunday...thank god my dad has a garage!

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