i'm sick of making up titles
Sunday, Apr. 16, 2006, 11:23 p.m.

Happy Easter!!! It was a very nice one, if I do say so myself.

The crazy doctor is going well.

Work is going well.

Money situatioon will be a hard long pull of working like, 15 days straight, but it will go well.

I feel somewhat like I am going to spin out of control at any moment. This feeling only comes on in spurts when I least expect it.

I obsess over thoughts until I cannot sleep and/or give myself an anxiety attack.

Not sure where costa and I stand...i continously do stupid shit that would piss any one off, but he still likes me I guess Who the fuck knows?

Baby had a lovely day. Picture the most beautiful girl in the world in pastel plaid and pigtail braids. She behaved well enough enough at church, dinner was nice. She loved finding Easter eggs and the Easter bunny was EXTREMELY good to her.

...tattooed everything

oh yeah my new name is Gina Bradshaw. Fucking sweet, huh?

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