going to california in my mind
Thursday, Nov. 10, 2005, 10:19 a.m.

i doubt you would believe me if i explained to you what just happened to me. To make a long and wicked annoying story short,

this is my 3rd- what's that you say? 3rd- attempt at posting an entry. The first D-land fucked up. The 2nd I erased like a fucking douchebag. I figured JUST in case D-land fucked up again, I'll copy this entry.

That'll show you D-land, I thought. Oh no. I'm the freaking jack ass who highlighted the entry, right clicked and hit PASTE.

Yup. Paste.

Jack ass.

Funny thing: I don't even remember writing that entry last night.

Hey have you heard of myspace? When I figure out how to link things I'll post a link.Check me out.

The wiggles strike me as hysterical. Yes, yes, I know, they make a ton of money. But imagine walking into a bar, buyihg a girl a drink, then telling her what you do for a living. Hehe.

...tattooed everything.

I miss guidrey. that's the bartender from rafters, by the way.

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