Baby's B-day Review
2004-02-12, 10:10 a.m.

Well, Baby's birthday turned out okay. She didn't like her powerwheels jeep...but I'm sure she will in time. My darling Mother came over. Where to start? She pisses me off so bad. It's like, I'm in my own home; I haven't lived with her since I was about 16 years old. And she was never home anyway. So she's at my house telling my kid to call her godfather 'bitch-boy'. NO WAY. First off, Baby's godfather has helped me out numerous times, money when I needed it and what not so I told my mom, don't teach her that, he's done alot for us. To which she responds 'Oh, and I haven't done anything? I've always been there,' and on and on and on, just a big line of bullshit for the benefit of my boyfriend, who knows she was never there for me- hence I turned out so bad. Like I know I make my own decisions, I did it to myself and so on, but who is she to think she has the fucking audacity to come in my home and presume she has ever done anything good by me? Well she has done stuff for me, shit, she's my mom but GOD. She annoys me to the point of anger. I just wanted to start breaking things, but thankfully she left because it was the child's birthday.

Anyways, wish I could drop 10 lbs. I have really gained like, 15 lbs. since August when I quit dancing. I wish I had a little more drive and could get up in the morning to exercise. Ahhh, well. Life is sweet.

Either way, Baby liked her presents and she loved it when we sung Happy Birthday. That little girl is all that matters anyway.

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